Home » Agriculture
If it happens on a farm or in a field, the UW-Madison Extension Institute of Agriculture works with you to achieve better results. Our innovative dairy management programs range from genetics to farm and business management. Extension researchers work hand-in-hand with row crop, forage and fresh produce growers to provide best practices for every aspect of the growing phase. We also advise communities on using sustainable practices to create inviting spaces free from invasive species. Our work supports people, communities, and businesses.
The University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension Agriculture Institute is moving ahead with changes that allocates their resources in a different way than in the past. These changes will allow you and our office the ability to interact with specialists throughout the University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension system and with other agencies in Wisconsin. Our work supports people, communities and businesses.
Diversified vegetable farms provide fresh produce for our communities in Kenosha County and beyond. These farms create jobs to bolster the local economies and perform crucial environmental services against a backdrop of a changing climate. Kenosha County Extension offers support to farm owners, workers, and managers to reduce the barriers to successful growing enterprises.

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Agriculture Question?
Have an agriculture question that you can’t quite find an answer for? Wonder if something has changed? Please click on the button below to submit your question to the UW-Madison Extension and an educator with knowledge in that area will assist you with the information.

Programs related to agriculture

Crops and Soils
Providing timely resources and information to help Wisconsin crop producers and their agricultural consultants manage crops efficiently and profitably.

Emerging Crops Accelerator
Bringing the latest research, news, and information on a growing number of emerging crops to help diversify Wisconsin’s agricultural landscape.

Pesticide Applicator Training
Providing educational materials for the purpose of pesticide applicator certification in Wisconsin. Next season’s classes are being schduled.

Integrated Pest and Crop Management
Bringing research-based information on Wisconsin farm profits, water quality, pest management, pesticide use practices, and nutrient management planning.

Community Food Systems
Promoting thriving, just, and resilient place-based food systems. We support community organizations, Tribal partners, local governments, small-scale farms and food businesses, and community gardens.

Helping farmers, consumers, and allied industry to make informed decisions about beef cattle, poultry, sheep and goats, equine, swine, and meat science.

Strengthening the competitiveness of the Wisconsin dairy industry through statewide leadership in education and research.

Farm Management
Providing research-based, culturally responsive educational programs, information, and tools that inform farm business management decisions.

Discovery Farms
Educating and developing on-farm and related research to determine the effects of agricultural practices on a diverse group of Wisconsin farms.

Ag Water Quality
Delivering educational content for farmers, crop advisors, and conservation professionals on the relationships between ag production practices and water quality outcomes.

Wisconsin Environmental Mesonet (Wisconet) is a growing network of weather and soil monitoring stations across Wisconsin, designed to provide high quality data at high spatial and temporal resolutions.
UW-Madison Insect and Weed Identification and Information tools
Identify what you have on your own using research-based keys and pictures.
The Badger Crop Connect series provides agronomists, crop consultants, and farmers with timely crop updates for Wisconsin. CEUs are available by topic for each presentation.
This University of Wisconsin-Madison and UW-Extension website offers the latest in research and outreach pertaining to field crop diseases and their management.
UW-Madison Lab Resources
UW Soil and Forage Lab
Interested in what’s in your soil, manure, or forage? The UW Soil and Forage Lab is the place to go to learn more about what is going on on your farm or in your backyard. The website has instructions on taking samples, sending your sample off, and the fees for each item.
UW Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic
The University of Wisconsin-Madison/Extension Plant Disease Diagnostics Clinic (PDDC) provides assistance in identifying plant diseases and provides educational information on plant diseases and their control. There are options for sending in a photo for diagnosis or submitting a physical sample.
UW Entomology Labs (insect pests)
The UW-Madison Entomology Department has 2 extension specialist faculty specializing in vegetable crop entomology and fruit crop entomology, and one extension entomologist insect diagnostic lab director with urban and structural pest control expertise.
- Insect Diagnostic Lab
- What’s bugging you? Household, garden, forest, ornamental, structural, or livestock insect questions? Just curious about the fascinating world of insects?
- Fruit Crop Entomology
- The Guedot Lab focuses on the development of effective, economical and environmentally sound insect pest management strategies and the development of strategies to conserve and enhance pollination services for fruit crops in Wisconsin.
- Vegetable Crop Entomology
- The Groves Lab focuses on the development, implementation, and delivery of a research-based, extension program to support integrated pest management of insect and mite pests affecting fresh-market and processing vegetable production in Wisconsin.
- Farm and Industry Short Course
- Learn more about this unique program offering agricultural education and professional certification. A ‘Farm Insects’ course is offered each year taught by PJ Liesch of the Insect Diagnostic Lab.
Agriculture Resources and Information
- News From Extension: We teach, learn, lead and serve, connecting people with the University of Wisconsin, and engaging with them in transforming lives and communities
- Wisconsin Crop Manager newsletter: your source for UW–Madison research, resources, and decision-making tools to optimize crop yields, keep soils productive and healthy, and protect long-term farm profitability. Signing up for the Crop Manager ensures you’ll get the latest news from UW–Madison Extension staff, faculty, and specialists delivered straight to your inbox.
- Wisconsin Fruit-UW Fruit Program: UW-Madison research projects and results on apples, grapes, and berries. Newsletter, archives, and comprehensive YouTube channel.
- Vegetable Crop Update: a newsletter for commercial potato and vegetable growers prepared by the University of Wisconsin-Madison vegetable research and extension specialists.
- UW-Madison Dairy Program newsletter: the latest dairy research articles and information about upcoming dairy events.
Farmer Networking
- One Good Idea: a collaborative effort between farmers and University Extension specialists from across the U.S. Midwest and Mid-South to help all farmers make a difference for their operations, their communities, and the world.
- Farmer to Farmer: putting Wisconsin farmers in touch with one another for the purpose of buying and/or selling corn and forage. The farmer to farmer list is free of charge to both buyers and sellers.
Renting Cropland
- Farmland Rental Values in Wisconsin: Determining a farmland rental rate is not an exact science. Local demand and supply conditions, anticipated market conditions, and long-standing working relationships can have bearing on rental rate negotiations. Only the parties involved in the agreement can determine what is ‘fair.’ However, there are resources available to help inform both landlord and farmer.

Agriculture Publications
The Learning Store produces and distributes educational materials based on university research, extending knowledge to the statewide community.
Upcoming Events
Stay tuned for a calendar showing all of the agriculture events happening in Kenosha County and statewide.
Ann Kowenstrot, Diversified Vegetable and Emerging Crops Educator, Kenosha County ann.kowenstrot@wisc.edu