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Become a 4-H Volunteer
Become a 4-H Volunteer
To volunteer, previous 4-H youth development experience is not necessary. You should have the following qualifications:
- a desire to work with young people to help them learn new things and gain life skills
- a desire to provide positive experiences for youth in a safe and welcoming environment
- be at least 18 years of age.
Ways to Volunteer
In 4-H, there are many ways to volunteer.
- All volunteers work with youth and other adult volunteers to offer positive youth development experiences for young people.
- Volunteer opportunities include Activity/Event Volunteer, Adult Advisor/Chaperone, Club Enrollment Coordinator, Club Leader, Committee Volunteer, Project Leader, Day Camp Chaperone, workshop helpers and more!
Required Training
4-H Volunteer Enrollment Process
All 4-H programs and activities must be supervised by a staff member or an approved 4-H volunteer, 18 years of age or older, who has completed all the following steps:
- Step 1: Enroll in 4-H Online and agree to the Division of Extension Volunteer Behavior Expectations.
- Step 2: Complete Criminal Background Check* (information will be sent via email to all new potential volunteers after enrollment)
- Step 3: Complete Volunteer Training Modules:
- Module 1: Complete UW Madison Supporting You, Supporting Youth
- Module 2: Complete Division of Extension Grow Green (formerly known as VIP Training)**. This module can now be completed online at your own pace or with the 4-H Educator.
- Module 3: Complete Division of Extension Building Safe Spaces
- Module 4: Only volunteers serving as overnight chaperones will need to complete the Supporting Youth Mental Health Training
*A background records check for arrest and conviction records will be completed every two years for continuing 4-H volunteer leaders.
**Returning volunteers who have been absent for one to four years need a background records check, signed Volunteer Behavior Expectations form and Assumption of Risk but are not required to attend the orientation to be reinstated as a volunteer. Returning volunteers who have been absent for over four years need to repeat the entire Youth Protection process.