Climate and Energy

Extension has a long history of research and teaching around climate impacts.  Check out these excellent resources to guide residential and institutional decision-making.

Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts (WICCI) just released a new report, 2021 Assessment Report: Wisconsin’s Changing Climate. This report is an update to WICCI’s first report in 2011 and is entirely online with links to supporting resources. 

The Community Climate Resilience Menu is an integrated tool to assist communities to become more resilient to the impacts of climate change.  

Kenosha County Energy Team:

In recent years, Kenosha County has developed an interest in implementing strategies to increase energy conservation.  It became an Energy Independent Community in 2009 with the adoption of a “25×25” resolution (a goal to adapt to using 25% of renewable energy sources by the year 2025).

Since then, Kenosha County has been a successful recipient of a State Energy Office Planning and Implementing Clean Energy Investments in Wisconsin Communities Grant (2014) in which grant funding assisted in successfully establishing a baseline of energy using EPA Energy Star Portfolio Manager.  Kenosha County then executed a second SEO grant-funded project to improve lighting energy efficiency and infrastructure performance.

Former Kenosha County educator, Amy Greil, convened and facilitated the early generations of the Kenosha County Energy Team over years and saw the team turn into a capable, coordinated and effective countywide initiative.  View this presentation to learn about Kenosha County Energy Team’s Transformational Education

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