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YIG Applications
The Kenosha County Youth In Governance program consists of a maximum of 20 youth members. No more than two youth members will serve on a county board committee. The requirements to be on the Youth In Governance are:
- Youth entering the program must be a high school sophomore or junior.
- Youth must have a grade point average of 2.5 or greater on a 4.0 scale.
- Youth must be a Kenosha County resident.
- Youth must be able to attend monthly committee meetings and one county board meeting.
- Youth should attempt to attend additional committee meetings that are combined with other committees.
- Youth must be able to participate in the Youth In Governance Bus tour held on the last Wednesday in June.
- Youth members will not be paid a stipend or mileage for attending meetings.
Youth who are nominated will be asked to fill out a short application. The application consists of basic contact information, school, GPA, and short answer questions about their intended objectives for the Youth In Governance program and how the program will increase their civic awareness and leadership skills. The application will include a written recommendation from an adult who has knowledge of the youth’s abilities. The Planning, Development & Extension Education Committee will then interview applicants and recommend youth members for appointment by the Kenosha County Board Chairman to serve on selected committees.