The Kenosha County Youth In Governance program consists of a maximum of 20 youth members. No more than two youth members will serve on a county board committee.
Executive Committee
Oversees the workings of the County Board and ensures communication across committees.
J.J. Castro
Sriharsha Sitamraju
Finance & Administration Committee
Oversees matters related to personnel and all matters related to finances, purchasing, budgets, and taxes.
Charlotte Sonday
Sasha Stronczek
Human Services Committee
Oversees matters related to community health, aging services, Brookside Care Center, public welfare, child support, medical examiner, and the Department of Human Services.
Olivia Parrish
Aqsa Saad Qadri
Joint Services Board
Oversees the operation of Joint Services which provides support services for the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department, the Kenosha Police Department, Kenosha Fire Department, and various other law enforcement and emergency service agencies.
Arianna Pealer
Juliannah Denure
Judiciary & Law Committee
Oversees matters related to law enforcement, court system, Sheriff’s Department, Office of Juvenile Intake, Emergency Services, Medical Examiner, and District Attorney.
Adelynn Lenz
Melanie Jarzembowski
Legislative Committee
Oversees matters related to the policies and rules of procedure of the County Board, intergovernmental relations and communications, proposed legislation, and Corporation Counsel Office.
Johnathan Klenke
Claire Koch
Planning, Development, & Extension Education Committee
Oversees matters related to land use planning, zoning, shoreland and floodplain issues, subdivision control, sanitation, Department of Planning & Development, and Extension Kenosha County.
Mackenzie Maurer
Juniper Kressin
Public Works & Facilities Committee
Oversees matters related to highways, roads, county- occupied buildings, dams, parks, recreation, and Department of Public Works.
Jacob Wideman
Garner Williams