Youth in Governance

What is Youth in Governance?

The purpose of the Youth In Governance program is to create a model of youth empowerment within Kenosha County, through direct participation in local government. The primary goal is to bring the youth voice to community issues and concerns while fostering the development of confident, collaborative, and motivated youth leaders.

Representative Requirements

Youth entering the program must be a high school sophomore or junior.

Youth must have a grade point average of 2.5 or greater on a 4.0 scale.

Youth must be a Kenosha County resident.

Youth must be able to attend monthly committee meetings and one county board meeting.

Youth should attempt to attend additional committee meetings that are combined with other committees.

Youth must be able to participate in the Youth In Governance Bus Tour (held on the last Wednesday in June).

Youth members will not be paid a stipend or mileage for attending meetings.

History of Youth in Governance

Youth leadership development is critical in building civic capacity and long-term community sustainability in Kenosha County. Programs that teach useful skills and build the self-confidence of young people ensure capable, effective leaders for the next generation. Data from a 2006 Kenosha County Search Institute survey documented that only 23% of youth perceive that their community values youth and only 27% believe that youth are given useful roles in the community. These results were among the lowest of all the assets measured and were lower than similar assets measured at a national level.

In direct response to these survey results, the Kenosha County Board of Supervisors created the Kenosha County Youth In Governance (YIG) program in 2007. The purpose of the Youth In Governance program is to create a model of youth empowerment within Kenosha County, through direct participation in local government. The overall goal is to bring the youth voice to community issues and concerns while fostering the development of confident, independent, and motivated youth leaders.

Contact Us

Camille Carlson

Positive Youth Development Educator

Support Extension