
January Youth As Resources Grant

Apply for up to $500 for youth community-service project grant! Click here to learn more about grant requirements. There are two components to applying: submitting an application and completing a grant presentation. Applications are due January 20h. After submitting your application to the Extension YAR Coordinator, you will receive an invitation to do your grant […]

Rent Smart Workshops

The Rent Smart workshop series helps tenants understand their rights and responsibilities such as finding a rental, pre-rental inspection, who is responsible for repairs, eviction, effective landlord/tenant communication, and more. The free workshops are held via Zoom and run monthly. Each series has 7, one-hour sessions. To register, visit

Extension Kenosha County 2023 Annual Report

Extension Kenosha County is proud to share its 2023 Annual Report. In 2023, Extension Kenosha County had 4,416 educational contacts in the program areas of 4-H and youth development, health & well-being, community development, horticulture, and nutrition education. These programs could not happen without the efforts of our partners. Thank you for being an essential part […]

Responding to Scary Events

War, violence, and loss have become common themes in local and world news. Parents and other caring adults can positively support and guide children as they hear scary news or experience traumatic events. The Human Development and Relationships Institute has several resources designed to help families and children process scary and violent events. You can […]

Growing Asparagus in Gardens

Growing Asparagus in Gardens Vijai Pandian, Horticulture Educator University of Wisconsin – Madison,  Division of Extension, Kenosha and Racine Counties  One of the first vegetables to harvest in the spring is asparagus. Native to coastal regions of Europe and Asia, asparagus is a hardy perennial vegetable crop, drought and salt tolerant, and once established it […]

Mindful money practices can take stress out of the new year

Article written by Mary Metten, Health and Well-being Extension Educator.  Originally published in the Kenosha News. The beginning of a new year can be stressful, money-wise. A swirl of celebration, buying gifts and food has settled down and credit card statements have started to roll in. Although for many Americans, every month is a stressful financial […]

Fall is a good time to do a soil test

Before setting your garden to rest for the winter, think of ways to improve your garden soil for next year’s crop. A healthy garden soil is the foundation for successful gardening, and a simple soil test can reveal the existing nutrient levels in the soil and help in strategizing your efforts to improve the soil […]

Stinking Stink Bug!!!

Watch out for the pesky “Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB)” that sneaks into the homes at this time of the year.  In the last few years, the population of BMSB increased in southeast Wisconsin and in several other regions in the state. BMSB is native to Asia (China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan) and was first […]

Over-Seeding Lawns in Autumn

After stressful summer, lawn grasses in Wisconsin rejuvenate in autumn and it is considered one of the best times to seed, renovate and establish new lawns. Moderate temperatures in 70’s and ample soil moisture in September promotes speedy establishment of lawn grasses.  Summer annual weeds like crabgrass ends its life cycle in September and doesn’t […]

Mitigating drought stress on landscape and garden plants during the current local dry spell

Article was written by Vijai Pandian, Horticulture Extension Educator.  Originally published in the Kenosha News. Southeast Wisconsin is facing severe drought affecting many landscape and garden plants. Lawn grasses has gone dormant, moisture sensitive trees are exhibiting signs of scorch leaves, defoliation, early fall coloration and branch dieback; wilted strawberries are producing low quality fruits, flowering […]

Community stories: Rules, beliefs, and values about food

Article was written by Terri Ward, FoodWIse Nutrition Administrator, Kenosha and Racine Counties Originally published in the Kenosha News. Two things I absolutely love just so happen to tap into my creative streak and unite people: food and stories. After all, everybody eats and there’s nothing like a story to honor the human experience, explain a perspective, […]

Assisting and responding to mental health challenges

Article written by Mary Metten, Health and Well-being Extension Educator.  Originally published in the Kenosha News. Many of us currently are or have been certified for first aid at one time or another. The first time I took a first aid course, I was a teenager and still remember the ABC acronym (although nowadays it’s CAB). […]

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